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What Our Patients Say

What others say about chiropractic care can help you make the right health care choice. Review a selection of Palmer Chiropractic patient testimonials below and please contact the office if you have any questions. Yours in Health, Dr. Fran Palmer & Dr. Rob Palmer

I’m so grateful to have found Palmer Chiropractic! Dr. Ashley Knight is just so amazing- she a great listener, very supportive, and understands what kind of adjustment I was hoping to achieve; PLUS she is very encouraging when it comes to my goals towards for my overall health. After just two adjustments/appointments, I can feel the difference- so much better and pain free! Overall, if you’re considering this practice, you’ve found the right place! – Anne H.
Nice friendly folks. knowledgeable, gave me his recommendations and that’s what we went with. – Don K.
It is good to be back! – Rose Mary D.
Outstanding service from Dr. Palmer and the staff. I was referred from family who are all seen at the same location and came with very high recommendations and I was not disappointed. I would highly suggest if you are having issues or are on the hunt for amazing chiropractic care that you do yourself a favor and check them out!! – John M
 I was consistently getting sick, about every 4 weeks. I kept going back to the Doctor and specialists with no improvement. They had wanted to remove my tonsils and said it was a 50/50 shot on whether it would work. A friend had suggested I try chiropractic help first, so I turned to Palmer since it came highly recommended. I’m happy to say that I haven’t been sick in about a year and still have my tonsils. Thank you. -PG, Peyton, Colorado
My first treatment with Palmer Chiropractic was amazing. I’ve suffered many injuries over a decade of military service, so I know a thing of two about pain. Fran helped me feel like I’ve never been injured. For the first time in about 10 years, I have been pain free. I can’t thank Palmer Chiropractic enough. I highly recommend this facility. If you’re on the fence about Chiropractic care, take the leap and try it. You’ll only be thanking yourself later. – Capt E
I first found out about Chiropractic through a friend. I had been in chronic pain both in my hips and back. I also have a scoliosis. I found that it was difficult to move through my daily activities because of the pain. It also caused many sleepless nights. I began to notice improvement in the way I felt within about two months. As a result of Chiropractic care, I began to experience a general feeling of wellness, movement became pain free and easier and I was sleeping better. Show More
For nine years I suffered with chronic pain. I took large doses of ibuprofen almost everyday and this caused stomach problems. It has been almost 2 ½ years since I started regular Chiropractic care. I no longer take ibuprofen and I have no more pain! I almost forget how much pain I lived with in the past. I sleep better and I move freely throughout my daily activities. I would recommend Chiropractic care to others, absolutely! Thanks Palmer Chiropractic! -BF, Falcon, Colorado
My son was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy and has a scoliosis. At the beginning of his chiropractic treatment an x-ray showed uneven shoulder and hip height. Through regular Chiropractic visits the results were dramatic. His shoulders and hips are now aligned. We feel Chiropractic care will help with his movement and balance. -Satisfied Mom, Falcon, Colorado
I was referred to the Palmers by a neighbor; we were new to the area. I had been having severe neck and lower back pain along with pain in my right foot. This pain interfered with my daily routine. It was not very long after my first adjustment that I began to feel improvement. I liked the way the adjustments made me feel. My experience with Chiropractic has been life changing. I feel that my health has improved since coming monthly to see Dr. Rob. I feel wonderful – much happier and healthier. -NJS, Falcon, Colorado
I decided to seek help through Chiropractic for the lower back pain that I was having. It was interfering with my daily activities. I began to notice improvement after my first Chiropractic adjustment. I can sleep better, which improves my total outlook. After every adjustment my pain is less. I have gone from difficulty walking to the bathroom to pain free and walking 2 miles/day and going to Curves. -BG
I had heard originally heard about Chiropractic through friends and c-workers. Then my daughter started going, followed by my son. They finally “convinced” me that I had nothing to lose but my headaches. I had been suffering with migraines varying from mild to severe for a long time. I usually had 4 or 5 days a month without a migraine or severe headache. Over the past 10 years the frequency grew, but I developed coping skills. I lived with them and accepted the pain as a norm. I believed my headaches were always triggered by my hormonal fluctuations, but the frequency kept increasing. I was on two different medications for headaches, with little success, plus I was worrying about taking daily medications. Show More
My kids had been seeing Dr. Rob and Dr. Fran for almost a year. They convinced me it was time to give it a try – after all I trusted them with my children. I noticed improvement immediately after my first adjustment. I had a “baby” headache when I went in and by that night I was headache free. I feel healthier, happier and headache free. I also noticed that I didn’t have a tingling sensation in my arm, no more hip pain, and I am not subconsciously rubbing my neck. I really do feel that I have “reclaimed my life” – as dramatic as that sounds – it is true. I am no longer on daily preventative medications and I have been headache free for five months. I recommend chiropractic care to others, especially to headache sufferers! -AH
I decided to seek Chiropractic care for health problems that included: neck pain and stiffness, headaches, nausea, fatigue and tingling lips. My mom had always used a Chiropractor and many of my friends had experience with Chiropractors, too. All of these symptoms really affected my life on a daily basis. In the past, doctors had told me there was nothing wrong with me. Dr. Fran did x-rays and diagnostics during my exam. She found I had a straight neck and scoliosis. I began to feel better within about two weeks of my initial adjustment. The nausea took a little longer, but did get better. Through chiropractic care I feel much better and have more energy. The other symptoms that medical doctors couldn’t explain went away. Dr. Fran and Dr. Rob get an A+ for patient care! -MKB, Peyton, Colorado
I came to see Dr. Fran after a long day at work that was plagued by lower back and neck pain. I was having a hard time functioning normally. I began to notice improvement in the way I felt within the first two to three visits. I also noticed that I was experiencing much less fatigue and was sleeping better. I would highly recommend Chiropractic and the Palmers to anyone. Thanks, Doc, you are a miracle worker. -CR, Denver
I brought my 10 month old son in to see Dr. Fran. He was not sleeping the way I felt a baby should sleep. The lack of sleep was affecting our daily life as he was not a happy baby during the day. I first noticed improvement in his sleeping within a week, and because he was sleeping better, I was sleeping better. Dr. Palmer is very easy to talk to, and because she has children of her own she can relate. This is important to me to have that personal connection along with the care. Thank you so much Palmer Chiropractic. -SE, Falcon, Colorado
My naturopath recommended I see a Chiropractor for my shoulder and lower back pain. I was experiencing limited range of motion and sleeping was very uncomfortable. I noticed immediate improvement in how I was feeling. I have so much energy now, my sleep has improved and in general my range of motion is also much improved. I am so happy with the care I am receiving, that I am now having other members of my family come in. -CM, Elbert, Colorado

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